Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Buying A Smart Phone, A Risky Venture?

By Stephanie Summers

The newest and greatest generation of the phone is the smart phone. These mobile application devices are as big of an advancement in technology and personal life as the mobile phone or cell phone was to the landlines. The big question most people are starting to wonder is, can I afford such a smart phone and do I really need one?

I will first give a brief summary of what a smart phone is. A smart phone is an advanced cell phone that has the capabilities of a PDA or small laptop that fits in your pocket and has a much longer battery life. The smart phone can usually operate multiple functions at once, called applications. These applications can do things from making reservations at restaurants to video chatting with your friends to giving your laptop 3G internet access no matter where you are in the world.

Pros: Smart phones have the capabilities of full mp3 players. Since I have bought my smart phone I no longer have the need to carry around an mp3 player in my car or on my person for trips. The amount of storage on these devices can be as much as 32GB or more depending on the model. However some only have 4GB or less which to some can be completely useless as an mp3 player.

You can also have unique features such as touchscreen and motion sensing that while they do help you to interact readily and easily with any of the applications you can also play fun games that have never dreamed of before.

Cons: Since these smart phones have large brightly lit screens they often have horrible battery lives. My smart phone lasts about a day but it is not such a bad thing as I can always charge it on my way to work or charge it while I sleep. My only concern is that if I forget once I don't have a phone for an entire day!

The biggest con of course is the monthly charge. If you think the initial cost of the phone is steep, it is nothing compared to the 1000+ dollars you will be spending a year, and you can anticipate using a smart phone for 2 to 3 years before they need replacing or upgrading.

With all of these things considered you first need to figure out why you want to buy this smart phone or not. Is it mainly used for entertainment purposes, or do you plan to run your business from it, or do you think it's just a cool accessory and don't really plan on using some of the more unique features. If you are not too serious about using this for business or for helping with important activities in your life then you should seriously consider the cost, because a 1200 dollar yearly bill is something to be considered. However if you have the extra money, it will entertain you endlessly and is a conversation topic.

Looking over the pros and cons, to summarize you should consider factors of how long you plan to use it between charges, do you have the extra money, how much do you want it to consume your personal life, do you really need the extra gadgetry, and have you done the adequate research to find the right smart phone for you.

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