Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tips on How to Blow Smoke Rings

By Dave Sabot

If you want to become adept at blowing smoke rings so that you can show others at a get together or party, you are going to want to practice. Blowing smoke rings looks like a simple thing to do, but you will find that there are mechanics and techniques that you need to employ if you expect good results. With practice, they will become easier and almost second nature so that you don't have to think about them as you blow them.

Some people use cigarettes to blow the smoke rings, but cigars have tobacco that is packed more tightly allowing for thicker smoke and, thus, easier to blow rings. The tighter the tobacco is packed the better it will be. If you find that the cigars are not packed as tightly as you would want, you can always pack them further by tapping the end that you put in your mouth against the palm of your hand.

Butane lighters work great for lighting cigars. You will be able to light the cigar evenly, which can be something of a problem with matches. After you light the cigar, the first thing you are going to want to do is to take a large drag from it. Bring as much smoke into your mouth and to the top of your throat as you are comfortably able. When you hold the smoke in your throat, you might find that it is difficult at first. The more you practice this the easier it will become for you.

With the smoke at the top of your throat, you next want to push your tongue down toward your bottom lip. Then, form your mouth into the shape of an "O", as though you were going to sing "ooh", and not "oh". Make sure that you keep the shape as wide as possible for when you start to push the smoke. Next, start pushing the smoke forward in short puffs and silently say "uh" with your mouth. When the smoke escapes from your mouth, you will find that it forms smoke rings.

Blowing smoke rings is going to take some practice, but with a little bit of effort, you should find that it becomes easier the more you do it. Take time to perfect your trick before you start trying to show people. Before long, you will be able to show off your new trick when people come over for a party.

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