Saturday, August 1, 2009

Clubpenguin Music Jam: The Guide

By Vulthor Parkerton

Club Penguin Music Jam is an enormous party in Club Penguin. It is a big music festival with all kinds of different music performances and lots of stages that appear in all the different areas on the Club Penguin island. Regardless of your musical tastes, you'll probably find something to listen to at this huge party in Club Penguin. This year's party is the second annual Club Penguin Music Jam and it runs from July 17 to July 26, 2009.

Free Item for all Penguins

There's a free item for all penguins. Anyone can get it even if they are not a member. That free item is the Green Headphones. You can get them at the Cove and you will find them in a box near the top of the room.

The Boombox for Members Only

The boombox, which was given out at the members party earlier in the year, has returned. It is present in a box on the roof of the club. You have to have a paid membership to Club Penguin and an all-access pass to get in. You should purchase the all access pass at the booth in the snow forts room. These are some of the more preferred stages to go to. This isn't a full list and there are lots of other stages and special Music Jam 2009 surprises to see nearly everywhere.

The Different Stages at Music Jam 2009

There are a lot of stages to view at Music Jam 2009 and each stage has different music so you can sample a lot just by exploring the island. Here are some of the better stages to visit.

The Lighthouse

The Football Pitch - a massive stadium with rock and roll.

The Forest

The Lighthouse - punk rock

The Forest - country music

The Iceberg

The Soccer Pitch

Head Backstage

If you are a member with an all access pass, then you can get backstage in two different areas. These are the backstage area behind the main stage at the dock, and the Night Club roof. If you go backstage at the main Dock stage, you have a chance of meeting the Club Penguin Band when they're on break. If you see them you can get a special autographed player card that shows all the members of the band. If you go to the roof of the Night Club, then you have a chance to meet DJ Cadence. She also gives out a special player card background with her autograph.

The main backstage area behind the Dock also has a music catalog where you can buy all different kinds of musical instruments. The catalog is available if you walk over to the box of instruments in the lower left corner. Your penguin can play these instruments if you wear them so they're really awesome for performing on stage. There are also a few hidden items in the catalog. These are just some of the very fun Club Penguin cheats that you can discover in the game.

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